The Power of One

August 25, 2021 I tell the story in one of the Virtues on the website of the man who went walking on the ocean beach, where he spotted a young boy tossing starfish that were left high and dry by the tide, back out into the ocean. The man exclaimed, “What do you...

Welcome to LBV blog site!

I want to thank and welcome those of you who have signed up to be notified each time I blog, which will be once a week usually. If you haven’t signed up, there is a place on the bottom of the blog page, and each blog post where you can do so.  You won’t...

Virtues for little children

July 20, 2021 Teaching the virtues can be challenging! And especially so for small children with very short attention spans. A few months back I was reminded of the “Value Tales” series of books from the 1970’s. My own children loved these books that...

Impediments to the Virtues

Little Book of Virtues and this accompanying website are full of reasons to pursue the virtuous life. Leave it up to my hero Danielle Shroyer to come up with a list of that which would keep us from growing in the virtues: There are eight qualities that can limit our...

Virtues hero, Mahatma Gandhi

June 26, 2021 In January 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was shot three times by a Hindu assassin as he walked through a garden in New Delhi, India, to take evening prayers. He died instantly. Today he is remembered as an anti-colonialist, an advocate of nonviolence, a pioneer...


In our culture, in our day and age, we don’t hear the word “virtue” much. Don’t let the word throw you off or send you away! Other words for “virtue” include “values,” “morals,” “principles,” “fruits of the Spirit.” Think of the virtues as building blocks on a...