I want to thank and welcome those of you who have signed up to be notified each time I blog, which will be once a week usually. If you haven’t signed up, there is a place on the bottom of the blog page, and each blog post where you can do so. You won’t receive more than one email a week, I promise!
The book was released 4 weeks ago, and the response has been warm and encouraging…thank you. I want to share with you some of the feedback I have gotten:
“Art, we just got your book in the mail today. I quickly thumbed thru it – it looks amazing!”
“My copy of The Little Book of Virtues arrived today. It is so beautiful and inviting. Congratulations brother!”
“Art, a guy at an AA meeting heard me share about how Little Book of Virtues ties in with our 6th and 7th step and he asked me how to buy it. Share, share, share. It’s going to be a life changer for me.”
” It is (a life changer) for me too, I’m going to do an adult Bible class study on it. I’m telling you buddy far as I’m concerned this is the number one seller an absolute must in anybody’s library.”
“Hi Julee, I got two copies of Art’s book and I was wondering if he is going to be leading a class or possibly some kind of Bible study covering each virtue?”

Next week, I want to talk a bit about the power of “One,” and how it can make a big difference in our lives. Stay tuned!
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